Painless Root Canal treatment

Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

Root canal treatment is an often straightforward procedure to relive the tooth pain and save your teeth. Patients typically need a root canal when there is inflammation or infection in the roots of a tooth. During RCT an endodontist who specializes in such treatment carefully removes the pulp inside the tooth, cleans, disinfects and shapes the root canals, and places a filling to seal the space. RCT means Root Canal Treatment. This treatment, because of modern technology, is now usually painless.

RCT means Root Canal Treatment. This treatment, because of modern technology, is now usually painless.


How it is performed ?

In Root Canal Treatment, usually treatment is completed in 2-3 appointments in general cases. In first appointment usually local anaesthesia is given ,in process the necrotic or infected pulp is removed with specific instruments and after that, the of the tooth is carefully cleaned, shaped and disinfected. It is then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Once all this is done, the tooth is then restored with a crown, and later the tooth can function normally. When patient need root canal treatment :

  •  Pain while chewing any types of Food.
  •  Pimple on gum ( sinus tract)
  •  Pus discharge
  • Sensitivity to any type of drinks and foods specially with hot
  • Tooth fracture .
  • A chipped or cracked tooth 
  • Discoloration or blackening of the tooth.

Benefit of Root Canal Treatment

  • Painless effective chewing 
  • Normal sensation and chewing 
  • Natural appearance 
  • Protects other teeth from excessive wear or strain

Precautions / Care after Root Canal

A well root canal treated and restored tooth can last for very long time even lifetime with absolute care. Proper Root canal treatment have a good success rate. By fallowing given instructions Here , patient can take care of his natural teeth after RCT :

1. Patient should brush teeth twice a day, and floss at least once. Taking care of your teeth can help prevent future problems.

2. Chewing on hard foods such as ice can cause teeth to break, and can harm root canals.

3. Follow up with the dentist regularly